Both ladies are back in the studio! Tiffany starts by recapping her Kenya trip, where Brown Ambition got some major love, and Mandi shares her travel plans for this year. Then, The ladies share their thoughts on the new “MLK” statue and spoke about their favorite golden globes moment. Before break, they discuss “non compete” agreements and what’s appropriate when signing them.

For this week’s boost or break, Tiffany boosts for a phenomenal experience she had in Kenya involving helping young teen moms. Mandi’s Boosts for defining your own ambition.

Here’s a link to the article Mandi mentioned.

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Meet the Hosts

Mandi Woodruff, personal finance expert & journalist  and Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, an award-winning financial educator and author of the New York Times bestseller “Get Good With Money.”

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