You may know her as the Money Coach, but we call her our Fairy Money Godmother — the incomparable Lynette Khalfani-Cox is our first-ever BA podcast guest! Lynnette is a personal finance expert, television and radio personality, and the author of 12 books (Yes. 12.) including the New York Times bestseller “Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom.” (Just in case you doubt her street cred, just know that Lynnette paid off $100,000 of credit card debt in 3 years!) She’s an inspiration and she joins us to talk about how she made the leap from a 9-to-5 lifestyle to mega success as an entrepreneur. She also gets real about working side by side with her husband, Earl, and keeping their relationship healthy while managing their business. Don’t forget we are doing an iTunes giveaway to a lucky reviewer! Leave a review and email us at [email protected] with a screenshot. We’ve got some great prizes! More info at

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Meet the Hosts

Mandi Woodruff, personal finance expert & journalist  and Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, an award-winning financial educator and author of the New York Times bestseller “Get Good With Money.”

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