Making Movies & Career Moves w/ Alex Woodruff

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Today, Mandi is joined by her brother, Alex Woodruff!

Mandi and Alex talk about their relationship as equally ambitious siblings growing up in Atlanta, how he uses his career in tech software sales to power his film-making endeavors and his financial milestones — like paying off $50K of student debt, buying and selling his first condo, building his dream home in East Atlanta, and managing his first rental property, all by age 31.

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, Alex Woodruff is a multi-disciplined artist, merging work in music, film, & technology (and the proudest little brother ever to big sis Mandi). After sharing the stage with high-profile acts like Kendrick Lamar (2013) & Big Sean (2011), he launched a dual-pronged career in Filmmaking and Technology Sales. His Emmy Award-winning production company  Pineapple Cut Pictures creates movies that reflect authentic black, brown, & LGBTQ stories, including 2023’s  “Mysore Magic.” On the tech front, after 9 years in Enterprise Software Sales, he joined Fiddler AI in 2023 with the mission to Build Trust into AI, and serves as Board Advisor to the Responsible AI Institute

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Meet the Hosts

Mandi Woodruff, personal finance expert & journalist  and Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, an award-winning financial educator and author of the New York Times bestseller “Get Good With Money.”

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